
Heart TeamThe Heart Failure Nurse cares for patients and their family or carers who have been diagnosed with Heart Failure.

Clinical staff and GPs can also request information from this service.

The Heart Failure Team at George Eliot are making changes to the way we see our Patients.  You may have already received a letter telling you that your appointment will no longer be held at the main hospital, or you may get a letter inviting you to an appointment that isn’t at George Eliot Hospital.  We recognise that it isn’t always easy to get to the hospital so we are moving some of our clinics to Hartshill Health Centre.  Here you will have access to the same level of care with our Heart Failure Nurses, but will be able to get to the health centre with regular nearby buses and for those that are coming by car, will have ample free parking.  On arrival you will be greeted by a member of the team who will take you to your appointment room. 

Contact us

Tel: 024 7686 6011

Heart failure nursing team

Emma West-Eggar – Heart Failure Advanced Clinical Practitioner (Lead)

Ray Upchurch – Heart Failure Nurse Specialist

Yemi Chapman – Heart Failure Nurse Specialist

Samantha Copeland – Heart Failure Nurse Specialist

Louise Roper – Heart Failure Nurse Specialist (GE@Home)

When you have been given a diagnosis of Heart Failure, you will be referred to the Heart Failure Nursing Service when you are either in hospital or invited to Heart Failure Nurse Clinic.

You will receive an individually tailored programme which will include:

  • Advice and education to ensure you and your family or carers understand your Heart Failure Diagnosis.
  • Advice on how to manage and monitor your condition and who to contact if you have a concern.
  • Healthy lifestyle advice.
  • Explanation of the benefits and side effects of your medications and any further treatment planned.
  • Increasing or decreasing your Heart Failure medication depending on how you feel.
  • A full clinical Nursing assessment and blood tests when necessary.
  • Individualised exercise programme at George Eliot Hospital and in the Community, if appropriate.
  • Monthly education sessions at Mary Ann Evans Hospice.

Each patient will be offered a Heart Failure information pack, including a Heart Failure Passport to record health progress. 

We also provide GEH@Home services caring for patients at home following an acute admission to hospital to help get patients home quicker and to be treated in their own home environment.

  • Weigh yourself daily and if you notice an increase in weight by  3-4 1bs (2kg) in 3-4 days contact your Heart Failure Nurse or GP. 
  • Unless directed otherwise limit your fluid intake to 2 litres a day or 7-8 mugs of fluid. 
  • Eat a healthy well balanced diet and AVOID adding salt to your food. 
  • Ensure you take your medications as prescribed and never run out of your tablets. 
  • Keep your alcohol intake to 2-3 units a day for both men and women. Ensure you have at least 2 alcohol free days. 
  • If you notice any changes in symptoms contact you Heart Failure Nurse or GP. 
  • Please ensure you bring your Heart Failure Passport to every appointment. 
  • Ensure you have had your once only pneumonia vaccination and flu jab.   

  • Shortness of breath
  • Swelling of feet and legs
  • Chronic lack of energy
  • Difficult sleeping at night due to breathing problems
  • Swollen or tender abdomen with loss of appetite
  • Cough with frothy sputum
  • Increased urination at night
  • Confusion and/or impaired memory

Useful contact numbers:

George Eliot Hospital: 024 7635 1351

British Heart Foundation: 0300 456 8383

Pumping Marvellous (Heart Failure Charity)

Keep It Pumping (Heart Failure Charity)

George Eliot Hospital Support Group

Cardiac Support Group