Adam BedeContact Details
Tel: 024 7686 5149

Visiting Times

Ward ManagerKaren Whinmill
Clinical SisterRajitha Kundukulangara and Kylie Farmer

Adam Bede is an 18 bed ward based on the first floor of George Eliot Hospital (based near the Cheverel entrance).

The ward specialises in Gastroenterology medicine.

The multi disciplinary team also specialise in Nutrition support and care.

Alexandra WardContact Details
Tel: 024 7686 5107

Visiting Times

Ward Manager - Jack Banks - Moore
Clinical SistersRita Gurung, Marie Williams and Elizabeth Marufu
Ward Clerk - Angeline Croshaw/Shayla Smith

Alexandra Ward is a 28 bed acute surgical ward supporting a wide variety of conditions including Orthopaedic, Urology and Gynaecology patients.Our Team: Hard working, friendly and outgoing team includes Ward Sisters, Nurses, Health Care Support Workers and Student Nurses. We currently have 15 consultants supporting our patients.

We work closely with Clinical Nurse Specialists, the Palliative Care Team, Pharmacy, Dieticians, Nutritionists, Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapy, Tissue Viability and Outreach Teams

Consultants hold daily ward rounds supported by our dedicated teams

Participating in a ‘Safer Discharge Project’ with Nurses, Pharmacists and Consultants to improve the patient experience

We work very closely with the palliative care and End of Life team to support our patients and their families during the terminal phase of their illnesses as we have many palliative patients on the Ward. We have been commended by both palliative care and End of Life teams for the work we do. Staff members have also received specialist palliative training.

Ward Manger: Sarah Colkin and Katie Wood 

Ward Sisters:  Aneeta Augustine, Champa Rai, Sangita Rai and Emily Jacob

AMU functions as a short-stay, high paced unit where patients are assessed and stabilised before being transferred to a speciality ward suited to their needs.

Contact details

02476 865755


Ward Manager: Suzanne Blakeman

Contact details: 02476 865755

Visiting Times: 1pm - 8pm (daily)


Ward Manager: Suzanne Blakeman

Clinical Sisters: Alixandra Bradley, Samantha Jones and Sakshi Sachdeva

Ward Clerk: Julene Dale

Arbury Lodge is a 25 bedded ward comprising of 16 side rooms, a 2 bedded bay and 7 bedded bay.  We specialise in caring for patients with complex discharge needs as well as those at the end of life.  Our Team: Hard working, friendly and outgoing team comprising Senior and junior nurses, Health Care Support Workers, Internationally educated nurses and Student Nurses, occupational and physiotherapists.   We currently have 2 consultants and 2 junior doctors supporting our patients.

We work closely with Clinical Nurse Specialists, the Palliative Care Team, admiral nurses,  Pharmacy, Dieticians, Nutritionists, Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapy, Tissue Viability and Outreach Teams

Participating in a ‘Safer Discharge Project’ with Nurses, Pharmacists and Consultants to improve the patient experience

We work very closely with the palliative care and End of Life team to support our patients and their families during the end stage of life and pride ourselves in giving a good standard of holistic care during this difficult time.

Bob JakinContact Details
Tel: 024 7686 5145

Visiting Times

Ward Manager - Jessica Busby 
Clinical Sisters - Lorraine Timson and Stacey O'Brien

Sisters, Staff nurses, Doctors, Health Care Support Worker, Ward Clerks, Hostesses, Domestics, Students and Volunteers.

Visiting Hours: 1:00pm - 8:00pm.  

Through Johns Campaign we actively encourage care providers of patients to support their loved ones on the ward. Please contact the ward for further information on Johns Campaign as visiting hours with this are open to two carers who provide direct patient care to their loved ones. 

20 bedded ward specialising in care for older adults

Caring for patients with complex needs through a strong patient and carer centred multi-professional approach

We have a garden for all of our patients and Felix Holts patients to enjoy. The garden is adapted for patients that are stroke step down to aid with their rehabilitation. The garden also contains a number of sensory aspects to engage patients with dementias. 

Sir_Tom_Moore.jpgContact Details
Tel: 024 7686 5761

Visiting Times

Mary Seacole: 

Ward ManagerRosy Gurung
Ward SistersPoonam Gurung 

Florence Nightingale: 

Ward ManagerSiziwe Moyo
Ward SistersRachael Richardson


Ward ManagerOmolola Oyawoye
Ward SistersBishakha Madan and Kala Sherchan

The Captain Sir Tom Moore Unit consists of two wards:
Florence Nightingale: Elective Orthopaedic
Mary Seacole: Elective Surgery (including urology, gynae, colorectal)
Each ward has 15 beds

We work closely with physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy

Patients should enter the hospital via Entrance C located to the right of the main building near the Arbury Lodge Entrance.They will be met at the door and have their temperature taken before being  taken to the unit. 


CCUContact Details
Tel: 024 7686 5294

Visiting Times

Ward Manager - Carly Baker
Ward Sisters - Lithiya Thomas and Andrea McCarron 
Secretary - Sandra Whopples

An 11-bed unit providing care to patients with cardiac related conditions such as acute coronary syndrome and other cardiac conditions, some of which are long term.

Telephone: 024 7686 5670 / 5671

Ward Manger: Tracey Emms 

Ward Sisters: Girlie Aimen, Sammi Allen and Sophie Burton

Contact Details
Tel: 024 7686 5090

Delivery Suite Manager - Jo Aldhouse

Contact Details
Tel: 024 7686 5053

Visiting Times

Ward Manager - Cheryl Hughes

Drayton is a 23 bedded ward for antenatal and postnatal women. We can be found on the second floor of the maternity building (there are two lifts as well as stair access).

We also have a bay that is used for any women having their labour induced. 

This ward is where you and your baby go following delivery and you are cared for by midwives and health care support workers. 

Elizabeth WardContact Details
Tel: 024 7686 5143

Visiting Times

Ward Manager - Joanne Stincavage
Clinical Sisters - Jenny Thompson, Nicola Whitmore, Emma Harrison and Emily Thould
Ward Clerk - Shannon Higgins

Elizabeth Ward is a 27 bed medical ward that cares for patients with respiratory conditions.

Our team cares for patients during an acute deterioration of a long term condition with the support of the respiratory team.

We provide care for the following medical conditions: COPD, Lung Cancer, Asthma, ILD, bronchiectasis, pneumothorax and septic patients

The ward also takes care of post Intensive Therapy Unit (ITU) medical patients

We provide a nurse led service to patients requiring non-invasive ventilation

Our ward has a respiratory support service room to carry out medical procedures within the ward

We are supported by daily consultant ward rounds

We work closely with our specialist nurses, outreach team, social workers, physiotherapist, occupational therapist and dieticians to provide a comprehensive multi-disciplinary team approach to care.

Contact Details
Tel: 024 7686 5173

Visiting Times

Ward Manager - Nina Burgess
Clinical Sisters/Charge Nurses - Rachel Steatham and Mary Premila

Patients who need continued treatment in hospital after being seen at the specialist stroke unit at University Hospital, Coventry, might be transferred to our bedded rehabilitation unit at George Eliot Hospital in Nuneaton, or Royal Leamington Spa Rehabilitation Hospital in Warwick. Patients who do not require continued hospital treatment but do need continuing specialist support with their recovery will be treated at home by the Community Stroke Rehabilitation Service.

Mary GarthContact Details
Tel: 024 7686 5085

Visiting Times

Ward Manager - Karen Lowe

Ward Sisters - Ma Reziele Flanagan and Rebecca Britten 

An 18-bed medical ward focusing on Gastroenterology.

Mary Garth shares its medical team with Adam Bede ward and provides care for patients with medical conditions particularly those living with one or more long-term condition.

Contact Details
Tel: 024 7686 5115

Visiting Times

Ward Manager - Sannitta Yohanna
Clinical Sisters - Katie Bradley, Rebecca Kelly, Sita Gurung and Jefin Xavier Cheramanthuruthy.

26 bed Acute Medical Ward specialising in Cardiology, Haematology, Oncology & Endocrinology.

Strong multi-professional approach and a dedication to achieving the best outcomes for our patients

Our Team includes: Ward Manager, Clinical Ward Sister, Medical Staff , Staff Nurses, Health Care Support Workers, Therapists and Pharmacists

Telephone: 024 7686 5673 / 5674

Ward ManagerCristina Stevens

Ward SistersCharlotte Harris, Kayleigh Bennett and Srijana Gurung

Contact Details
Tel: 024 7686 5235

Visiting Times

Ward ManagerAimee Murray 
Clinical SistersDanielle Roper, Emma Edwards and Delvy Jestin Paul 

27 bed Acute Medical Ward specialising in Haematology, Oncology & Endocrinology and General Medicine.

Strong multi-professional approach and a dedication to achieving the best outcomes for our patients


Our team includesWard Manager, Clinical Ward Sisters, Medical Staff , Staff Nurses, Health Care Support Workers, Therapists and Pharmacists. Students of these teams will also be present.

4 Registered Nurses and 4 Health Care Support Workers on the day shift.

 3 Registered Nurses and 3 Health Care Support Workers over night. 


Patient support and management of a range of Orthopaedic needs including:

Lower & upper limb fractures

Spinal fractures

Romola WardContact Details
Tel: 024 7615 3472 / 3124

Visiting Times

Ward Manager - Debra Heard
Clinical Sisters - Samantha Allen, Girlie Almen

Romola is a 9 bedded, Elective Orthopaedic Ward based on the ground floor of the hospital on the right hand side after the chapel. 

This same sex accommodation unit supports mainly patients with hip, knee and shoulder replacements

Our expected  length of stay for primary hip and knee joint replacements is 24 – 48 hours for shoulder replacements, it is 24 hours.

Our aim is to sit patients out of bed 6 hours post operatively.

We encourage our patients to sit out of bed  for breakfast on the first morning post operatively, ready for our physiotherapist to start the rehabilitation process.

Romola ward works closely with physiotherapists and occupational therapists to support our patients.

SCBUContact Details
Tel: 024 7686 5258

Unit Manager - Maria Bull

Our Special Care Baby Unit has 12 cots for babies who need a bit of extra help.

Our babies are cared for by a multidisciplinary team of doctors, neonatal nurses, registered nurses, nursing associates, health care support workers and allied health care professionals including and not exclusive to dieticians, pharmacist and Speech and Language therapists.

We follow the philosophy of Family Integrated Care (FICare) which means you will be fully involved in your babies care and decision making whilst being supported by the nursing and medical team.

Please accept our apologies, we are only able to provide information to parents.

You should be updated by a senior doctor about your baby’s condition and treatment within 24 hours of admission.

We encourage parents to attend the daily ward round, where the nursing and medical team will review your baby and discuss the plan of care.


We welcome parents and siblings at any time, day or night.

Please ring the buzzer to enter the Unit, and remove outdoor clothing.

Everyone should wash their hands with soap and water, apply alcohol gel and a surgical facemask before entering the nursery.

You are welcome to take photos of your baby but please do not answer your mobile phone in the nursery.

Well, supporting adults may visit between 2pm- 7.30pm.

The only children to visit should be baby’s brothers and sisters.  Children under 12 years of age can be in addition to 2 adults at the cotside.

All visitors must be accompanied by a parent, with a maximum of 2 people at the cotside. At times, visitors may be asked to wait in the waiting area, during feed times, for safety, privacy, or to facilitate parental bonding. We will aim to minimise these times.  Grandparents are able to hold well babies that are in a cot with parental consent.

Further information can be obtained from the nursing staff or information folder.

Please find below a virtual interactive tour of our Neonatal Unit. This has been designed to help families understand what to expect before they arrive on the unit. The 3D tour will enable families to explore the unit, get to know their way around, and includes useful information such as:

  • Directions and facilities
  • Commonly used equipment
  • Educational videos
  • Support available
  • Useful website links

For tips and guidance to navigate the tour please click here.


Information for Parents

Mental Health Support for Parents

Useful Leaflets

Contact Details
Tel: 02476 865105  / 02476 153831

Visiting Times

Ward Manager -  Lindsey Hirst

Clinical Sisters: Maria Rayco, Donna Stuchbury and Feba Skaria

27 bedded General Medical Ward