The safety of our patients is our highest priority. The Trust is committed to each patient safety incident and ensuring each incident is robustly investigated robustly and our response is focused on our learning and the improvement of the services we provide.
To support the NHS to further improve patient safety, all NHS Trusts and providers have introduced a new Patient Safety Incident Response Framework (PSIRF). PSIRF is a key part of the NHS Patient Safety Strategy published in July 2019 which aims to help the NHS to improve its understanding of safety by drawing insight from patient safety incidents, outlining how Trusts should respond, and when a patient safety incident investigation should be conducted.
Since 30 November 2023, the George Eliot Hospital NHS Trust has been responding to patient safety incidents according to PSIRF.
We recognise and acknowledge the significant impact patient safety incidents can have on patients, service users, their families, and carers and will use a variety of approaches to identify learning and make improvements following an incident where a patient or service user was or could have been harmed.
George Eliot Hospital NHS Trust PSIRF Policy
George Eliot Hospital NHS Trust PSIRF Plan
All enquiries about our PSIRF Policy and Plan should be directed to psirf