
Admiral nurses November 2022 marie and sarah 2.JPGAdmiral Nurses are Registered Nurses who specialise in dementia care, working with families and people affected by dementia, particularly during complex periods of transition. This is achieved through casework, coordination, groups and/or clinics to promote physical, social and psychological health of family carers and people with dementia.

Improve well-being and quality of life for people with dementia and their family carers

Enhance adjustment and coping strategies for people affected by dementia and their families.

The Admiral Nurse service will deliver, support and coordinate relationship-centred dementia care to improve the experience of people with dementia and their families with complex needs, during the hospital experience and transitions of care within the hospital

Contact us

Admiral Nurse Team - 07825 281 598

Working Hours - 8am – 4pm Monday to Friday (excluded BH)

Office base - Arbury Lodge Office

Admiral Nurses

  • Sarah Wood
  • Carolyn Randle

Admiral nurse contacts 0800 888 6678
Dementia Helpline -